今、みんなが ふるさとを つくっています
1. General Information
(1) Name
Koga Park (Koga municipality comprehensive park, Koga-city)
(2) Scale of the site
Initial planning in total 25.2ha, 22.4ha in service
(3) Address
399-1 Kohnosu, Koga-shi, Ibaraki-Prefecture, Japan
(20°15’E., 36°11’N., 60km north of Tokyo)
(4) Geographical feature of the site
+15 meters above the sea level.
The park locates in the middle of the Kantoh-Plane.
The park locates in the East of Watarase river, and the park has a restored marsh land (2.8ha) in the hinter land of the river.
The Watarase flood retarding basin (33 square kilometers), which is registered as the site of the Ramsar Convention, locates 1km west of the park.
(5) Climate
Inland climate (Cold in winter, Hot in summer), Annual precipitation 1,100mm.
Strong seasonal cold North-West wind blows in winter.